Intensive Journal Program for Self-Development
Progoff Series of Workshops

Specialized Audiences | Spirituality | Testimonials

Endorsements - Disciples of Christ

"This is the most powerful tool I have found to discover what makes me tick. Motivations, intuitions, self-images, and values clarification are a few of the many aspects of oneself that come up so spontaneously working through the various sections of the journal. My life has a coherency and trajectory that I only discovered through this process."
"There are times when I use the journal to work through my ambivalence in decisions I am facing, and times when it becomes the way to hear what an inner wisdom is trying to communicate. Without proscribing any particular direction, the journal method becomes the finest way I know to appreciatively discover my deeper self."

Dr. Charles Kutz-Marks, Sr. Minister
University Christian Church
Austin, TX